• Validating Loved Ones

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    Validation has the potential to transform relationships

    If you’re a parent to a teenager or young adult, you’ve likely experienced some head butting along the way. If your child struggles with emotion regulation, borderline personality disorder (or traits) self-harm, trauma, anxiety or depression it can feel like when you try to help, conflict erupts.

    That’s where validation comes in. When used properly, validation is a powerful strategy that can help you de-escalate conflict, tame intense emotions, and reconnect with your loved one. But, if you’ve tried validation, you know it’s a hard skill to master and one that can feel clumsy.


    How Can This Workshop Help?

    In this two hour workshop you will learn:

    • what validation is and is not
    • why it’s so important, and
    • how to use it to improve your relationships

    You will leave the workshop with a list of validating statements to include in your interactions and invalidating statements to steer clear from.

    There will be plenty of time to ask questions and to receive feedback for your specific situation.

    This workshop draws on material from Dialectical Behaviour Therapy which are well researched and proven to improve relationships and assist with emotion regulation.

    About the Presenter

    Anjali Ruparelia is a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) who earned her Master’s Degree from Western University and her Bachelor Degree from the University of Toronto. Anjali supports youth and families who struggle with emotion regulation. She has specialized training in evidence-based psychotherapies for symptoms of borderline personality disorder and post-traumatic stress.

    Anjali takes a biopsychosocial approach, recognizing that our biology and the systems in which we live impact our emotional wellbeing and relationships. She is passionate about empowering individuals and their families to improve their lives and relationships using evidence-based therapies.

    Reach out to us today!

    Our team is happy to answer any questions that you might have and to address your concerns about whether this workshop is for you.

    Just get in touch – we will discuss your needs and explore how we might be able to help.

    Use the form below to send a message. You may also call/text or email.

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